"I Want To Learn Jamaican Patois!"
Below are some Jamaican words and phrases to get you started before traveling to Jamaica, Panama, Brooklyn or enjoying a Jamaican novel! Imagine how impressed your friends will be on your trip to Jamaica when you speak back to the locals! Naa worry bout it read on and get your first patrois lesson!
Jamaican Patrois Word And Phrases
- "Wa gwan" - "What's going on" often used as a greeting
- "Ah sey one" - Used to mean really cool or great
- "Naa worry bout it" - "Don't worry about it"
- "See you inna di lights" - "See you tomorrow"
- "Naa mek mi vex, mon!" - "Don't make me mad!"
- "Yu a come wit wi?" - "Are you coming with us?"
- "Skin your teeth" - "Smile"
- "Big up uno dem" - "Praise to all of them"
- "Wi gwaan hab a bashment time!" - "We are going to have a great time!"
- "Mi a go a door" - "I'm going outside"
- "A nuh mi fi like it" - "I"m not one to like that"
- "Dat cris" - "That's cool"
- "Dat cost Dear" - "That's expensive"
"Mi nuh no" - "I don't know"
- "Mi dun feel bad" - "I am done feeling bad"
- "Mek haste" - "Hurry up"
- "Mi naa jesta" - "I'm not kidding"
- "Ku pon dis" - "look at this"
- "Mi muss a go kill mi dead" - "I'll get there no matter what"
- "Mi lub yu kyaan done" - "My love for you can't end"
- "Yu i liad" - "you're a liar"
Practicing these patrois phrases will certainly put you in the Jaimacan frame of mind and why not? Learning to speak these patrois words makes you fit right in when traveling making you more understandable to other Jamaicans. To learn more mek haste and pick up one of dem books just by clicking the picture! Yu gwaan hab a bashment time!